Tommy Chambers

Chief Virescent Officer

“Personalitree”: The tree I associate most with my personality is the Koa Tree.

Role: CVO (Chief Virescent Officer)


  1. To be Green

  2. Greenish.

  3. Turning green

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin virescere (to become green), from virere (to be green).

My first vote for the Environmentalist Hall of Fame: John Muir

My Favorite Quote: “Everything we do now, echoes in eternity.” - Marcus Aurelius

My Favorite Word: Kairos (pronounced: “KY-rahs”) 

MEANING: noun: The right time for taking an action; a decisive moment*


From Ancient Greek kairos (a fitting time).


There’s the regular time, chronos, the mundane one that keeps moving. Then there’s kairos, the special occasion, the opportune moment to do something. Kairos is the one where stars are aligned, winds are favorable, and the universe is conspiring in your favor. It’s meant to be. Seize the day. 

*Kairos, the Greek god of opportunity, is putting his finger on the scale in your favor. What are you waiting for?

My Passionate Perspective on Nature: 

🌲 OR ☠️